Free social & Dating for expats and travellersApp is designed for travellers and expats living in a foreign country to help them find other expats nea
Free social & Dating for expats and travellers
App is designed for travellers and expats living in a foreign country to help them find other expats nearby, get advices, help on specific questions, find jobs, or just communicate with each other.
App also serves as perfect dating tool. You can filter people not only by age, sex or distance. But also choose nationality and languages of the partner.
Nation Finder also offers fast and free chat tool. Try it for free.
Meet local girl or a boy, start new friendship, meet expats nearby, find job, ask a question, chat for free, this is only few functions Nation Finder gives you.
Most popular grops:
Polish in Germany, Polish in UK having more than 30k active users at the moment.